The Conference
Become a sponsor for the premier event for the promotion of excellence!
The Quest for Excellence® is the official Conference of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, brought to you by the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program at NIST. The Quest for Excellence® is supported by registration fees and the generous contributions of our conference sponsors. No federal funds are used to support the conference or associated events. The Baldrige Foundation offers multiple sponsorship options that yield two important outcomes—raising awareness for your organization and providing tangible support for the Baldrige Program and the Baldrige Foundation. The Baldrige Foundation and the Baldrige Program would like to thank these organizations for their support.
Official Conference of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
The Quest for Excellence® Conference will be held at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront, in Baltimore, MD. It is the leading conference to learn best practices from Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recipients. The attendees are key decision-makers and influencers in their organizations, and they have demonstrated their interest in organizational improvement and personal learning. Your sponsorship of Quest will greatly enhance the conference experience for these participants.
Please contact Josh Racette, Baldrige Foundation Vice President of National Programs & Development, for more information about how your organization can become a sponsor.
2025 Conference Details COME. LEARN. NETWORK. ENGAGE
Join us at the Quest for Excellence 2025! We are excited to bring the Baldrige community together to celebrate and learn from the 2024 Baldrige Award recipients, who will be announced this Fall!
Enjoy sessions featuring leaders of Baldrige Award recipients and other high-performing organizations and take home solutions to help your organization achieve breakthrough performance and results in areas such as leadership; strategy; customers; workforce; and operations.
Award Ceremony | Sunday, March 30
Join us Sunday evening for the Baldrige Award Ceremony and Reception honoring the 2024 recipients. Attendees have the opportunity to network with members of the Baldrige community, such as Award recipients, Examiners, Judges, Overseers, Fellows, Foundation members, and Alliance program representatives
Keynote Presentations
An engaging and thought-provoking Monday opening keynote presentation and a dynamic Wednesday closing session keynote presentation.
Opening Plenary Session
Following the Monday keynote, an opening plenary session featuring the 2024 Baldrige Award Recipients.
Concurrent sessions
Monday and Tuesday will feature Baldrige Award recipients and other high-performing organizations speaking on relevant topics of interest, such as leadership and social responsibility, operational continuity and resilience, workforce issues, and customers and strategy.
Closing Plenary Session
The Wednesday morning plenary session will feature the 2024 Baldrige Award Recipients.​
Keynote Speakers
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront | 700 Aliceanna Street, Baltimore MD
The Baltimore Marriott Waterfront is located at 700 Aliceanna Street, Baltimore, MD, just eleven miles from Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport. While there are other hotels in the area, please help us make our room night commitment by staying in the conference hotel.
Room Rates and Reservations
All hotel room reservations must be made through Showcare. Rooms in the block will not be available directly from the Marriott. Book your hotel room online at the same time you complete your conference registration. Rooms must be reserved by March 3, 2025.
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront
General Attendee Rate: $259 per night plus the applicable taxes and fees
Government Attendee Rate: $150 plus applicable taxes (prevailing per diem rate) (Limited rooms available)
Hotel Room Block Cut-Off: March 3, 2025

The Audience
Expected Audience: 1,000
CEOs, c-suite executives, senior managers, directors, heads of operating units, and quality/performance improvement leaders/practitioners are expected.
We will be targeting a broad audience with massive email and social media campaigns.
Speakers: 50+
Presenters from all sectors will be sharing their best practices, insights, tools, and success stories to further enhance organizational performance and personal professional development. There will also be numerous networking opportunities for attendees and sponsors.
Sectors of the Economy Represented

Expected Participants
Why Sponsor
By becoming a sponsor of the Quest for Excellence® Conference you are supporting a leader in performance excellence and quality:
established during the Reagan administration
for over 30+ years and 7 different Presidents, Baldrige has demonstrated a commitment to the pursuit of organizational excellence
aligning your brand with the nations ONLY award for performance excellence that carries the seal of the President of the United States
Our sponsorships are true collaborations and we always look to benefit our sponsors as much as possible to maximize your ROI. Custom Packages are available. We are excited to meet your needs and goals as it relates to your sponsorship investment.

The Benefits
Leading conference to learn best practices from Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recipients
High level of visibility as a supporter of the Baldrige Program and Award recipients
Access to thousands of industry leaders in a variety of sectors impacting the U.S. and World economy
Our attendees are key decision makers and influencers in their organizations
You will be connecting with the next generation of organizational leaders looking for success in today’s global and competitive marketplace
Great opportunity to showcase your brand and products alongside of a leader in excellence
Various sponsorship levels also include additional opportunities for promotion through social media and email marketing campaigns pre, during, and post event.

Event Testimonials
What are attendees saying?

Highest Quality Conference
"This conference was of the highest quality that I’ve ever attended. What a standard! The information was delivered by people passionately working on meaningful improvements within their organization through their passion in Baldrige."

Excellent Conference
"Excellent conference. Great to know what best practices are happening around the US."

Sharing of information not duplicated in other events
"This free sharing of information and genuine interest and energy is not duplicated in any other professional event I attend."

Great to hear different industry leaders
"It was great to hear from different industry leaders on their journey and things they put into place to improve along the way."
Align Your Brand with the
Quest for Excellence® Conference
Thank you, Past Sponsors!

Become a Quest Sponsor Today
Sponsorship Levels
Review the Quest for Excellence® Conference sponsorship options to best determine the appropriate selection for your organization. Don't see what you are looking for? Not a problem! We have the ability to customize specially designed sponsorship programs to meet the needs of your organization. To learn more about sponsorship, please email Josh Racette, Vice President of National Programs & Development, at jracette@baldrigefoundation.org.
If an organization is involved as a current-year Baldrige Award Applicant or a current-year Baldrige Award Recipient and would like to purchase a sponsorship opportunity, sponsorships are limited to $25k. Prospective sponsors are required to disclose their status as either a current-year Baldrige Award Applicant or a current-year Baldrige Award Recipient prior to sponsorship conversations beginning. If, after sponsorship has been finalized, the status of an organization should change to be included in one of the beforementioned categories then the Baldrige Foundation will work with you to lower your sponsorship level accordingly.
MALCOLM BALDRIGE NATIONAL QUALITY AWARD®, THE QUEST FOR EXCELLENCE®, BALDRIGE PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE PROGRAM®, PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE®, and CRITERIA FOR PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE® are federally registered trademarks and service marks of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology. The unauthorized use of these trademarks and service marks is prohibited.
IMPORTANT: The Baldrige Foundation does not manage, oversee, or influence the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award administered by the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, nor any Baldrige-based State Program Award. Further, your donation or sponsorship has not/will not give you any advantage in any awards process to include the Baldrige Foundation Individual Leadership Awards.
Acceptance of sponsorships does not constitute an endorsement of any organization, product, or service by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, or the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program. The names and logos of the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the U.S. Department of Commerce shall not be used in any manner that implies an endorsement of any organization, product, or service.